Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Korea War

Sol Choi
Final draft
The Korean War
If I say, I am from Korea people usually ask me “South or north?” because Korea is one of the few divided countries in the world. People may know that Korea is a divided country, but people don’t know why Korea had to divide during the Korea war. In 1950, Korea had a war between the north and south. At the end of the war, the country was divided with North Korea. Therefore, at end of the war, many families were separated and some have not found their family until now. Even though the war ended many years ago, but Korea war is still influence to my family and Koreans.

One effect of the war is that a lot of Korean have not found family by the war. During the war, a lot of refugees lost their families, and they are still trying to find family until these days but find to family is difficult. In 1950, my grandmother was a 17 years old, and her older sister was a 19 years old. My grandmother and her sister were refugees in the war. When they flee to South from North they had to separate each other by the war. Also my grandmother is still waiting for her sister and trying to find her sister. Every few years, the Korea government makes that search campaigns for separated families and a lot of people participate the campaigns. Thus, try to find my grandmother’s sister is difficult. However, if people who lost family in the war and find family at the campaigns, people cannot call to the family because North Korea is not same country anymore.

Another effect of the war is that men who lives in Korea require go to army for a year and half. There is a mandatory draft in Korea. Actually, the war is not really overt finished, it was stopped, and men have to be ready for the war every day. Every Korean male who become a twenty years old is required go to army, even a famous people and student. In my family, my brother is going to go army in next year because he is going to become a twenty years old in next year. Also my mom is worry about it because when my brother go to army my mom cannot see him for a long time. Fortunately, there has not been countries war, but Koreans always have to be ready for the war while they living in Korea.

In addition, another effect of the war is Koreans always put up the flag on the window on June 25th. Actually, Korea has a lot of holiday even small holiday like valentine day. However, on June 25th is biggest holiday and sad day, because many people passed away during the war. Koreans always put up the flag on window because Koreans want to remember and pray for a lot of people who was sacrificed by the war. In fact, my grandfather participated the war, and he died during the battle. Every year on June 25th my father and mother always put up the flag and prays for their father.

In conclusion, the war is still pretant in Korean daily life. However, Korean pray that the country can recover quickly and forget the pain suffered in the war. I wish that the government would make a lot of search separate family campaign. This year, the search separate family is going to start, and I hope that my grandmother will find her sister this time.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

An Opportunity to Study

      “Do you like your current school?” This is a popular question that my friends and relatives who live in China would like to ask me. Obviously, I like my school, Harold Washington College, even though I will transfer to another university. Therefore, I would like to remember all those days that I have spent here. Harold Washington College was my first college in the U.S. which I could remember the first time that I got into this college, I felt it was liked a business building because it was very differences with the school that I studied in China. Therefore, the teaching method and atmosphere will benefit my education compared to my past experiences.

       The teaching method in the U.S. helps students become more creative. The classes in China that is the teachers stand in front of students, and send out their knowledge to students, they do not know or care about how much knowledge that students can be absorb. In addition, students cannot discuss questions during the class because it seems rude to the teachers. I am taking the ESL 100 class that is a huge different class with the classes that I took in China. In my current ESL 100 class, the sentence that I heard the most is “do you have any questions, do you agree/disagree me?” During my ESL 100 class, students can share their opinions loudly and discuss with teacher and classmates. Moreover, we had a book club that I have not heard before. We discussed the book that we chose and shared our opinions with others. Due to the teaching method, it has made me more creative.

       In addition, I love the equipment in my current school. In China, students are using hand writing for too many years. Teachers do not ask students to use laptops or computers to finish their homework, even for college students. Also, if a student has emergency that not be able to go to attend classes, she/he do not know what her/his homework it is, and she/he may lose her/his points. Apart from that, if a student wants to know how many points that she/he get during the semester, she/he has to ask her/his teachers, and teachers will show her/him results on paper. On the contrary, students can use my math lab, my writing lab and blackboard that are the useful equipment to do their homework and improve their skills in my current school. My math lab can show students how to finish the questions step by step. Also, students can post their essay in my writing lab, and they can receive the feedback after several days. In the same time, they can finish their homework in my writing lab which will point out their mistake and focus on their weakness to improve their skills. In addition, students can check their homework, how many points that they get during the semester and turn it in their homework on blackboard. This convenient equipment makes me love my current college in the U.S.

       Apart from that, the security system also plays the important role in my current school.  If someone wants to get into Harold Washington College, she/he has to show her/his student ID. Otherwise, she/he has to see the security guys, and they decide she/he can get in or not. Once, I forgot to bring my student ID to go to school, so the security guy asked me to show something to proof I am a student in Harold Washington College. Thus, I showed him my schedule, and he opened the door for me. Moreover, they have cameras in each floor, even in classrooms to make sure this is a safe place. However, most of the Chinese schools do not have such as security system. Everybody can get into the colleges that they do not need to show their student ID, and schools do not care about that. Therefore, I felt happy when I found out about the system of security in my current college.

       I really love my current school because of the teaching method, equipment and security system. Studying in such a place is like an ocean of knowledge to swim freely with my buddies, like the god brings us to move on. Therefore, I prefer to learn at Harold Washington College.  Moreover, I think a lot of students can get benefit from Harold Washington College not just me. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Debora Santos
Esl 100 CE

Do you believe in miracles?

    A miracle could be any beneficial event that does not pursue the laws of nature. It is a good word to define my family’s journey. My story started in 1964.In that year the military regime was implemented in Brazil. Brazilians tolerated the censorship and the suppression of the constitutional rights, while the democracy was vanished. Surprisingly it was during the dictatorship that Brazilian economy wondrously increased, creating jobs as never before. Historically this fact was named the ‘’Economic Miracle’’. Between 1970 and 1973, a thousand lives were changed. People could have a job anywhere, and eventually have a better life. Most of the Brazilian nation didn’t have enough to eat, so it was salvation for many. It was an unique opportunity that could change a life. My dad didn’t waste that chance. He took advantage of the economic miracle, which affected his future and consequently my family and I as well.

    First, my father made a hard decision leaving his family by themselves, and he moved to downtown. He came from a very poor family that constituted of my grandmother and her six children. After my grandfather’s death, my father became the head of the household. He worked hard to secure food on the table every day. During all his childhood he worked at a supermarket carrying products, but it didn’t pay well. The solution was to work more hours to earn more money. When this new job opportunity appeared in 1973, my aunties took the responsibility and supported my grandmother, because they wouldn’t have my father anymore. Also, it was a big challenge for my dad to move and adapt to the biggest city in Brazil. He lived his whole life in a small city where everything was so far, and the access very limited. Moreover, it wasn’t easy for a seventeen year old boy to get used to a place where people are always rushing.

    In addition, after a few years working in the capital my father decided to be something more, and pursue a career. Being only a simple employer in a factory wasn’t enough anymore. As a result, he enrolled in a school. Because he had grown up in a small city with no access to the big cities, many school years were lost. Consequently, he started to studying again from the beginning. However, this attempt only gave him more energy and strength. At that point, my father didn’t know clearly which career to pursue until a certain night. He was coming back from work in a late afternoon when a woman was hit by a car, he wanted to offer some help, but he didn’t know how. He was only a boy without any notion about first aid, so the only option was to call emergency. My father never felt more useless. Because of that event, he decided to go to medical college. Eventually he achieved all dreams that one day he thought would be impossible.

    All those attempts my father experienced contributed to form my character. I became a strong and determined person. I have learned how to survive in any situation, and never give up. For instance, when my parents got divorced, I was able to block all my pain and give the support that my little sister needed. I had to do same thing again, when my mother got really sick and was hospitalized for three months. It wasn’t easy or impossible to survive all those sad moments. Along with the strength came the determination. I am a dreamer. I believe that everything is possible. It doesn’t matter how hard the path is. People can do anything if they are brave enough. I never give up until I get my wishes. For instance I always had the dream to come to The U.S.A, so I didn’t stop until this dream came true. In my teens I always wanted to do everything my own way, but my mother always blocked me. I had a lot of fights with my mother, until I got my independence. Today she trusts and supports me in every decision.
    I do believe in miracles. I believe that nothing in this life is only a coincidence. Everything has a meaning. Everyone has a destiny which will guide us. However, staying stagnant without a purpose, on the other hand, will not take anybody to anywhere. People have to find their dreams and fight for that. I am proud of my father, for had fought and turned all the odds in his favor. I am thankful for all those lessons he has been teaching my sister and me. Despite the hardship after his departure, I am positive that my grandmother has the same felling that I do have as well. My family was affected in different ways by my father’s actions. Each one has a particular view from the whole story, but I believe that everyone has the same opinion about my dad. He is a brave man and an example that life is about choices. People can choose who they will be. My father chose who he wanted to be, and I chose be a brave winner like my father.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Goodbye Bacon

Goodbye Bacon
       After the 19th century, the cigarette market developed quickly, and it became one of the top markets in China. Nowadays, the big population in China is not the only reason the country is well- known; it is also known for its long history and huge population of smokers. People are surprised to learn that charming men and pretty women were allowed to carry some long or short, expensive or cheap cigarettes in restaurants, offices, airports, and even airplanes in China! Yes. People are allowed to smoke wherever and whenever they want. Can you believe one billion three hundred million people are living in a barbecue country? In order to save people’s health and cut the smoking population, the Chinese government implemented “non- smoke China” policies and clean indoor air ordinance in the last few years. These policies have become a long term reformation, and the smokers are facing a big challenge that they have never met before. Right now, this smoking reformation is taking an unimaginable effect on my family.

       The first person influenced by this reformation was my grandfather. Because of his work environment and life circumstance, he has always been surrounded by smokers. He had to join this “army” when he was eighteen or he would be labeled as a traitor. As a result, he treated cigarettes as his daily food. After thirty-eight years of smoking, a new policy was instated that restricted the sale of cigarettes to specific stores, and my grandfather was sacrificed in this reformation. Under this policy, my grandfather could only buy his food at a  store with permitted, and it was hard to buy a large amount of cigarettes at the same time. Because of the limited access to cigarettes, he became listless and got angry easily. All his acts were telling us he was quitting smoking. However, the poor amount of his food didn't have enough time to rebuild his body system before cancer set in. As a result, my grandfather was a loser in this reformation, and we lost him forever.

       In addition, children are the shadows of parents. Since my father’s childhood and adulthood were surrounded by my grandfather’s smoking every day, there is no doubt that my father became a smoker too. However, he is not only a smoker, but also a smoke-making machine. Every day when he comes back home from work, my mother has to keep turning on and off the smoke detector. Then, the next day, my mother and I smell like bacon because we were barbecued by my father all night! Fortunately, the new ban on indoor smoking saved my mother and me from this barbecue party. Under this policy, my father enjoys his barbecue party in a specific area, such as balcony or under the kitchen ventilator . In the first year, my father went out to smoke over thirty times a day, but this year, we are happy to see that eight times a day are the maximum for him.

       Finally, the two women in my family are getting the big benefit in this reformation. With the limit on the quality of buying cigarettes, my grandmother and my mother get extra money for buying our real food. With the limit on where a person can smoke, my grandmother, my mother and I are starting to enjoy a real barbecue party. We can now smell the food cooking in the kitchen. In addition, with the specific smoking area for my father at home, I could say goodbye to my best friend - my indoor allergy. Without the second-hand smoke, my two beautiful women in my life have become healthier and happier.

       Today, although the big smoking population still exists in China, the barbecue grill is under control, and the overcooked situation is disappearing. This reformation had a mixed effect on my family in the beginning, but we are now satisfied with the great process. Furthermore, my family also believes that someday we can sift through the layers of smoke and have a clean indoor air environment.

Economic Renovation

Economic Renovation

            I remember my grandfather used to say, “Heroes make history.” However, “I did not make my own history.” My grandfather told me in his late life. For almost fifteen years, my grandfather’s words lay in my mind, and I wished that I could have changed the outcome. When Vietnam’s initial economic renovation happened in 1986 with the goals of enhancing people’s living standards and encouraging foreign investment, it was beneficial for the country in general. In fact, my grandfather with his sons, my father and my uncle, was running a small family business to produce ballpoint pens since 1978, before I was born. Surviving in an economic market was not easy for any micro enterprise, especially during the economic reform. It had changed the circumstances of several small businesses at the time, which included my family. A couple of years after the economic reform of Vietnam, it began to change my entire family’s life, my grandfather was especially impacted significantly.


              One of the most obvious changes was on my family’s business. Several years after the economic reform policies were implemented, foreign companies started their investment in our country. This led my family’s business to close down. The cost of raw materials increased while profits from sales declined. Additionally, due to the manual process of the small businesses, production was limited. Therefore, it was very difficult to compete with the automated production of foreign invested businesses. During prosperous times, I remembered that I needed to give my grandfather a hand because of the high demand. Nevertheless, there was an enormous difference between before and after the economic renovation, for it was a dramatic fall in demand. As a result, my grandfather was reluctant to close down our family business, which he had spent years establishing. He then tried to convert to a different type of business. Meanwhile, my father suggested starting a car rental service because he thought my grandfather, my uncle and he all know how to drive. On the other hand, my aunt persuaded my grandfather to run a fabric selling business when she witnessed her friend’s success. My grandfather decided to conduct the fabric selling business as his final decision. It seemed my grandfather was taking a risk since no one in the family had experience with it. That was my grandfather’s second opportunity to maintain his business dream.


           Another subsequent effect of the economic reform period was my family’s disintegration. My grandfather finally had to sell the house when the second time he failed in the business. About one year later while we were running the fabric shop, my aunt imported a myriad of fabrics since she believed her friend could foresee a booming fabric market. My grandfather was persuaded by my aunt, and he mortgaged the house to raise capital from the bank. However, the fabric market did not develop to what we expected, and my aunt also was unable to compete with other competitors because of her lack of experience. Our fabric shop could not survive in the end. After we paid off the debt, my grandfather could not afford to cover a new business venture. Moreover, the remaining money was only enough for my grandfather to buy a small apartment, so my father at the same time moved out and lived separately with his own family. The new apartment that my grandparents lived in with my uncle and my aunt just consisted of two bedrooms and one living room. It was much smaller compared with the house we lived in before, which had four floors and six rooms. Due to the economic transformation in my country, I lived separately with my grandparents thereafter. 

            After a series of issues and major changes that my grandfather encountered, he began to develop mental health problems. In the following years, my grandfather looked gloomy and I barely saw a smile on his face. I knew and understood how my grandfather felt. Since the economy transformed, the small family business that my grandfather and both his sons had built up over ten years had disappeared, and he became empty-handed in old age. Furthermore, my grandfather blamed himself for his mistakes and decisions. “I was wrong when I objected your idea to open a car rental service instead of a fabric shop.” He told my father. “The open economy means a lot of foreigners who would come to Vietnam, so if we supplied cars for rent we would have made a profit.” He added. “I hoped I could have started again from scratch, but I could not.” My grandfather even talked to me sometimes, and I could see his pitiful face. Whenever I passed my grandfather’s apartment, I could see him standing in the balcony with his eyes gazing far away and a lifeless face. In addition, he did not want to hang out with his friends whenever they called. My grandfather seemed to become quiet and eventually he became a recluse

         Being a hero is not easy. Even though my grandfather’s decision had affected and shifted my family’s life to a different path, he is my hero no matter what he did for the family. I was too young at that time to understand what was going on, so that I could not comfort and spend more time with him. If I could talk to my grandfather now, I would let him know how much we miss and love him. Moreover, I would also tell him that we did not blame him for his mistakes. For me, he will always be my hero even though he could not make history.