Saturday, November 9, 2013

House Poor

House Poor
When someone asks about what is Korean dream in life. Korean usually answers having one house a with beautiful wife and adorable children. Korean has farming culture. They cherish their private homes and do not want to move to another city or country. They love peaceful life without any problems. Our family also want to live tranquilly. Even though my parents did not have enough  budget,  they decided to buy a house. Moreover, the cost of the house was increasing everyday. Therefore, they applied to get mortgage to buy bigger house than they lived. At that time, they thought it was perfect time to buy the house. However, buying the new house, which was wish of my family, has created many problems because the goverment prevented people from  competing for apartments. They had built a large number of apartments. Natually, the  housing market became unstable.
    For the first time,the financial problem affected my life  because my parents had to pay back the interest on house mortgage. I felt sorry to get my pocket money from my parents. After graduating the high school, I was thinking about how I could earn money and I found two ways to save money. The first way was working part-time  jobs.It was my on the summer and winter vacation. Even though I did not wear make up, I worked  in the cosmetic products store. Also, during my freshman year, I gave private a lesson which was mathematics to my neighbor to make a pocket money.The second way was getting scholarship. My major was engineering so my university tuition  was  quite expensive. Moreover, the way to get the scholarship  was only connected  high score, so I struggled to get the scholarship. I always studied  in the library to review the lectures and to get A grades. Working part-time jobs and studying hard made me do my best at every moment.
Few years later, Korea housing market  had been in recession more than worse because the world  also market was unstable. The  cost of house has been falling and the interest of mortgage had been going up. In the beginning of this year, my parents decided to move a small house. This made me live uncomfortable. The physical problem was followed after moving into the small house. The past house had four bedrooms and two bathrooms. My family has five members, so each person could have own room. Therefore, we could keep our private lifes and  did not bother anyone else's life style. However, after moving I had to share one room with my little brother. He likes me more than another sister, so he wanted to share with me. Even though I usually go out, I could not call or use my phone in my way. My brother was curious my life. Also he was kind of messy boy. He never organized his things, so I had to tidy everything. Moreover, there was a bathroom for five family members in new house. In the morning, my house looked like a battle field. All members were also like generals. We were fighting to use bathroom because we had to go out  in the morning. To avoid the war, I had to take a shower at night.
Lastly, the most difficult thing about suffering the recession, was lack of harmony in my family. Suffering economic and space problems made my family nervous. We were getting violent. My parents are quite perfect couple. They usually respected each other and sometimes they quarreled but not too much seriously. After moving into small house, they started fighting seriously. I and my little sister are adult, so we can earn money legally. However, my brother is eleven years old. He cannot make money, so he has to get pocket money. He also likes to eat junk food or buy useless toy.  My paresnts did not want to do that. So, their arguement was enaviodable.
My family has been having in a difficult time in different ways. Seemingly, it affected in bad ways. However, I do not think that this was only bad situation. My family is growing our ability to adapt anywhere and contemplate and overcome the bad surrounding. I think this is our rest time to progress. whether having a house or not cannot make family live in perfect harmony. We have a house but live insufficiantly. Also, after changing the president in Korea, she gave us pledge to recover the housing problem. I hope that this project can work in my city and move the original house.


  1. I enjoy your essay because my parents have the same problem. They are house poor too. I don't know because I am young or some reason, I've never thought about having my own house. Nowadays, having a house doesn't feel stable.

  2. Hi,Stella.
    Your essay is very interesting for me.Many Koreans have this problem like your family. And you are a very good daughter for your parents, aren't you?^^

  3. You are a good daughter as Anna said since you didn't want pocket money from your parents, you didn't want as their burden. You did find a part time job and got scholarship. Life becomes difficult if we make a wrong decision. That is true for everyone. Anyway, we need to hope for our future.

  4. This is an interesting essay it also happen to my family because the business lose we had to move to the small house. You are a very caring daughter who helps your parents in their hard time. Very nice.
