Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Big Revolution in Life

Madiha Altaf
English 100
                                         A Big Revolution in Life 
Many people often wonder how it is that one can invest and lose money. Some people think that if they can make more money, they will have a higher spot in their career. There are many things in life that can change the course of a person’s life, which can either have a positive or negative impact. Six years ago my father had a modern furniture showroom in Pakistan with his business companion, and it was a successful business. After some time, my father began to lose his business because his partner cheated him by manipulating the finances. My father’s business partner’s bad financial decisions had many negative effects on my family.
During those years, my father’s partner ruined his successful business. In 2006, my father’s successful business was booming. My father was the CEO, and his partner was the financial manager. We were living a very royal existence, but a little mistake changed our lives because of my father’s trust in his business partner. His partner cheated my father by bringing financial disorder. Whenever they communicated about the profit and the financial expenses, he always showed the wrong amount of financial profits, and he said they weren’t incurring losses in their business. That is the reason my father could not get enough profit and could hardly pay taxes and other expenses. Day by day, his business was decreasing and my family was falling into a lower position. Facing that situation forced me to work a part time to help my father sell clothes in a boutique. The decreasing his business affected my father’s personality, and it gave him so much depression and anxiety.
During that time, my father’s personality changed and he lost his confidence. My father was a very ordinary and confident person. However, losing his business gave him a sense of grief and deep anxiety. He felt betrayed and cast aside. Eventually, too much depression made him sick, feeling like he lost his senses, and as if he could not think properly. My father did not pay attention to how he dressed for work; he would just go in with his casual clothes. Also, he stopped communicating with other people and met less with family and friends. He also did not pay attention to his health or eating habits. Moreover, he hardly spent time with family. After some time had gone by, he stopped trusting other people because of his business and other decisions. His changed personality had badly impacted the family.
The biggest turning point for my family was that we had to move to a new house. For many individuals, life is about living paycheck to paycheck, but once the paycheck no longer arrives, we couldn’t afford our expenses such as an enormous house. We had two houses, one was large and the other was small, but this condition forced us to sold out the big house and move into the smaller house. Also, my siblings and I switched to a new school nearby our new house. Switching to the other school was hard because we had to make new friends, which was so uncomfortable and also we had to walk a lot to take the bus for school. Furthermore, moving to the other house made us difficulties such as living in a new neighborhood, which was not a community area such as there were not enough grocery stores or shopping malls.
To conclude, there are many times when people at too much trust in others, which can lead to destructive impact on one’s personality. Consequently, my father now always wonders how he really lost his business and became unsuccessful, and why he never saw his partner for the dishonest person he was. As a result, he has learned how to judge and deal with others, that not everyone is faithful. I erudite from my father’s experience not to trust people and always try not to be taken in. I had learned from my father’s experience not to believe anyone and never have too many expectations from others, which can make a person hollow like a bare shell. 


  1. Hi Madiha! This is a sad story. Hoping your dad can regain his confidence, and become more successful than before! In addition, every setback is a opportunity of learning.

  2. I hate the revolution, because it makes people lost a lot of things. They can lost confidence, Job, or family in China.

  3. Madiha, what a sad story.But I am glad that everything is ok now.
