Sunday, October 6, 2013

From B to D

Jueyin Chen
4th draft

From B to D
    After I came to Chicago, I made a list of the things I lost in translation. The alarm represents for the beginning of a day, and the train represents of the beginning of my school. Public transportation service is a essential part of my life. I lived in Guangzhou, China for twenty years, and Guangzhou is a city which has a well developed public transportation system. Since the prices of cars are high and the population is large, it’s difficult to own a car in China. Many people have to take train from home to school or workplace and back. I was one of those people who used to spend a third of my time every day on public transportation, so I am highly sensitive to transportation service. The public transportation service in Guangzhou has the most unique experience and great satisfaction for customers compared to others. Now I had to give up my unforgettable life and start a brand new lifestyle in the US and try hard to adjust to the American system. I miss the transportation culture in Guangzhou. I missed its service area, waiting room environment, and availability of internet service.

    The first part that I miss is Guangzhou’s train service. It covers the entire city. The main train transportation service is around the north and south loop area in Chicago. Even though it has metro which could reach some places in suburb as well; may people are not satisfied. As a result, cars are the most popular choice for people to get around in this city. I don’t have a car because it costs a lot for a student. If I had not come to the US, I would have never realized the importance for my routine in Guangzhou – taking train or bus to any where I wanted to go. Right now, every time I want to go some place that is away from loop, I have to go with someone who has a car. However, I am not always lucky enough to find a person who can go with me. Such as, I can take the train to amusement park in Guangzhou, but I can’t take the train to Six flat in Illinois.

 Guangzhou Metro Map
Map of CTA

    Except of the scope of services of Guangzhou’s train service, the other things I miss are its punctual and the cozy environment . In Guangzhou, most train stations offer customers indoor waiting rooms. On the contrary, the platforms in Chicago are almost without cover. On a snowy day, I always feel cold and my hair and coat get wet while I was waiting a train. An outdoor waiting room is a nightmare. Furthermore, most Chinese trains are on time and they don’t have to stop many times for waiting signals or for no reason in one trip. Consequently, in Chicago, if you don’t have a car for transport for an important event, you have to learn how to take a nap on the train.
The platform of CTA
The environment of Guangzhou Metro

    The thing I miss most is internet service. If people don't have data service for their phone and they need the internet service in hurry, never mind, in Guangzhou  there is a free Wi-Fi service in thirty minutes for any customers in Guangzhou train station. Furthermore, In Guangzhou transport system, it offers different kinds of stores and cafés for you while you wait. What can I do on the CTA when I’m waiting for a train? Read! In Chicago, I have learned how to enjoy my trip without those fancy services but by reading. Not just me, but most people read while they are waiting for trains to come.
The shopping mall in Guangzhou Metro

    Hence, I know I have lost some unforgettable parts of my previous Chinese life in translation. However, what is life? “Life is a process from B to D, from birth to death. However, what’s between B and D? It’s a C, it’s a choice.” I have made a choice to come to the US, no matter how hard it is to adapt to a new lifestyle or how strongly I miss my previous routine, I have to adjust to the American system. Maybe someday, I can read my book in a comfortable indoor waiting room to enjoy my trip.


  1. I made a list what I miss from Japan or Korea too when I got here, and I totally agree with you. From time to time, transportation system makes me to get homesick. I used to live in Seoul and Tokyo, where is one of the most developed cities of train system. I therefore had never thought about having a car. But, after I moved to here, I’ve wanted to get a car. I am tired of taking a train or bus. There are many reasons. (You can know if you read my essay) But, having a car is too expensive for a student. However, I think I’m lucky to live in Chicago because at least I can take a train or bus. There is no transportation system in most cities. By the way, free Wi-Fi service is impressive.

    1. Yes, I knew the train system in Tokyo is awsome. I have a plan to visti Japan next year in order to enjoy the transportation in Japan.

  2. Is there free wifi service in Guangzhou train station now? Wow, it's so cool. I really like this. If there is a free wifi in Chicago train station, I won't be worried about contact with my friends.

    1. Yup, there is so cool! We don't have to worried about the sighal and data while we in the train station.

  3. I want to visit your city after I read your essay. In my hometown it also have train and new roads that develope during those years. But it is very different between America and China.

  4. You should go and you will love it. However, don't go to Guangzhou the week before Spring Festival. It will drive you crazy. In the Spring Festival, Guangzhou will be a city without people living in there. lol. It will be a good time to enjoy the transportation system at that time.
