Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Values and beliefs

My Values and Beliefs

          Countries are different all over the world. People who have immigrated to the United States from another countries know how difficult is to survive in a foreign country. Since I came to the U.S I have been struggled with everyday problems. It is widely believed that life in a foreign country is not easy. There are many difficulties that we have to face that we would not struggle with in our country. Countries are different from another with their environment and cultures. Since coming to the US I have struggled to communicate confidently, practice prayer and celebrate festivals the way I would like to.

        First, the communicating to people was a struggle is one of the amateur fears for me, and especially when it comes to public speaking. I lost my confidence in the United States. I was a self-confident person in my country and I could communicate with people very friendly. I was much familiar with my own language, but speaking English was new to me. I studied English in Pakistan just as a subject but never spoke English at all. I graduated with an associate degree and then I immigrate to the United States. It was totally a new place; nothing was familiar to me, especially the language. I was so embarrassed to see people who were speaking English fluently. I couldn’t get any word even to ask the direction how to get out of the airport. It was a challenge for me to settle in the new country and learn the new language. I have been here for five years now I can speak the language and can communicate with people but sometimes I can’t speak fluently in front of Americans.

          However, I have also found it hard to pray the way I would back home. Beliefs are a very important part of everyone’s life. Believes especially comes from religious faith which is really important in our lives. Prayer or (salat), which Muslims perform five times a day, is giving spiritual peace. Prayer is always directed in the direction of the Kaba shrine in Macca. There are five appointed times to perform (salat), a muezzin announces a call to prayer (adhan) in the speaker traditionally on the mosque minaret in every single area. Friday is a special day for prayer and muezzin announce the (hutba) in mosque with great specimens to live our life on the right path. In United States it’s not allowed to announce (adhan) in the speaker because United States is a multicultural country, which has many cultures and religions. That’s why government doesn’t give the permission to announce (Adhan) in speaker. In addition, now it’s hard for me to perform the regular prayer on time. 

          In addition, celebration is a very important part of everyone’s life. Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha are two main religious celebrations are in the Islamic countries with the great religious spirit. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated on 1st Shawal after the end of the month Ramadan. Pakistani celebrates Eid-ul-Fitr with special prayer after the sunrises and then exchange of sweet dishes and gifts and visit to relatives. Eid-ul-Azha is referred to as a ‘Bakra Eid’ in Pakistan. On this Eid we sacrifice animals. We celebrate Eid-ul-Azha with the special prayer; buy animals such as goats, cows and camels. This Eid celebration continues three days and animals are sacrifice for God (Allah) then the meat is distributed among poor people and relatives. The working people specially visit their native homes at the occasion of Eid. Nevertheless, I haven’t celebrated these festivals with my family, relatives and friends since I came to the United States. Because celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha are so exciting and joyful in my country rather then celebrating in U.S. In the United States there is no concept of celebrating Eid-ul-Azha such as buying the animals, distributing the meat among poor people and relatives. Also when we invite friends and relatives to barbeque parties and enjoy, I really miss those celebrations, which I celebrate in my country.

          In conclusion, leaving my house and adapting to the new culture has not easy. Living in another country is an experience in my life that cannot be compared to any other experience in my life. I learned the importance of living in my country because I faced many surprising effects. It may be difficult to live without the cultures values, believes and customs but when I live in another country, I adapt to their culture and way of life.. How to appreciate what I have, but I hope the things will be change and life will be marvelous one day.


  1. Hey, after reading your essay, I have learned more about Mulsim. It remind me that our family didn't celebrate our big festival after we have been to Chicago too. BtW, do you think in your conclusion, the "learned" should be "have learned"?

  2. That's great you could understand my essay what I wrote about. I know It is hard to celebrate the big event in foreign country rather than w celebrate in our country. Thanks for the correction.

  3. you right Madi. it not easy to adapt to another country because you face different everything. language, culture, food and it take longtime to be familiar to many things. I was not rich back home but i never struggle like i was struggling when i first came in the US. talking to people, our praying times. sometimes you have to pray all 5 times of praying at once. which is not good.

    1. No we don't have to pray 5 prayers at once, we have to catch the prayer before the time due but if we missed it in some reason we have to pray with the next prayer.

  4. The sound of your essay is wonderful. To move into a ne culture is difficult but we also can find happines and interesting events in the new place. The different culture are interesting and fun for a new learner.

  5. yes it is we have to adapt the new culture because we have to live there. But it is interesting that we can learn new culture, events, festivals and especially the food.

  6. I have the felling that i can not express myself like i do in Brazil.Sometimes i dont find the right words to express my thoughts.

  7. In the new country, we have to face more problems that we live in our country without the language that we have been using since we were born. However, It is interesting to learn new language and culture, even though it is hard to adapt.
